Wednesday 4 February 2015

I Saw Beautiful Aging Today

I Saw Beautiful Aging Today I was teaching a yoga class this morning and I heard the women who attended laughing, encouraging each other, celebrating the success of a basketball going in the hoop after many tries, the patience and desire for everyone's success "we will stay here until you get it in", with a feeling that IT WILL happen.Women supporting women, women playing together,laughing together, moving their bodies in a FUN, PLAYFUL way. Yoga hmmmmmmm, you might say, yoga to me is all about connection, heart's connecting, mind's connecting, body's connecting, in individuals and as a collective. We did some yoga postures using how the body is now to know what to do, then we moved into some training moves that football players use for training, did ball toss in different ways, and played some basketball. Play, I think it to is a nutrient for our body, heart and mind. If you were near by you would hear laughter, giggles, cheering, deep breathing, see smiles, women moving quickly in different directions, jumping, reaching for a ball, you might feel yourself smile, laugh and wish you could join in, have that kind of connection and fun. These women ages are from 57 to 74 years young. One woman is celebrating her 61st birthday today. These women are aging beautifully. It is happening, aging, what is the other why not have, fun, play and let it happen no more struggling against aging, it is a gift to grow older, let's celebrate it together. Thank you Dianne, Kathleen, Carolyn, and Linda for playing today, I am still smiling, and I am looking forward to the next time we beautifully age together. Much love, mary

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