Sunday 31 May 2015

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: Why is Being Kind to Yourself Important?Love is ...

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: Why is Being Kind to Yourself Important?

Love is ...
: Why is Being Kind to Yourself Important? Love is a beautiful thing Questions are so very useful. Yesterday I enjoyed spending tim...
Why is Being Kind to Yourself Important?

Love is a beautiful thing

Questions are so very useful. Yesterday I enjoyed spending time with Archan, our friend Barb and one of my favorite activities touching, smelling a horse. Barb called inviting us to go fiddle head picking, my mind went immediately to there must be something I SHOULD be doing. Do you have that, the SHOULDS? So I asked myself "Why is being kind to myself important? I know the kind thing to do for myself is to do fun things, to spend time with friends, be in nature, be with a horse, all of this nurtures me, fills my tank up, so I can do the things that I know need to be done and do them with a joyful heart, with  energy, and compassion.

My cells are doing a happy dance in anticipation
I am grateful to Mother Earth for her gifts which I ingest which becomes a part of me, like delicious fiddle heads. Here is to kindness, I am dancing, living  in a sea of kindness. Hugs to you all, mary

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: Are We Afraid of Happiness?

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: Are We Afraid of Happiness?: Are We Afraid of Happiness? I asked Archan at breakfast last Sunday morning, "Do you think that we are a society afraid of happiness?&...

Are We Afraid of Happiness?

Are We Afraid of Happiness? I asked Archan at breakfast last Sunday morning, "Do you think that we are a society afraid of happiness?" I love questions, I love asking myself and others questions. As a child I remember being told laughter was NOT appropriate in church, at the dinner table, in the classroom, as an adult in the workplace showing happiness would annoy, irritate some co-workers, at the local grocery store dancing in the aisle would generate frowns from some shoppers. Are we afraid if we act happy; smile, dance, laugh, giggle, sing, however happiness would be expressed that happiness won't last, that we must guard ourselves for something bad that could happen, we have no right to feel/express happiness because others are worse off, that we will not be accepted/belong? At another level is there a feeling that we don't trust, feel safe with each other? If I felt safe, trusted others would I then express joy? If we trusted each other, felt safe with each other would we express happiness, and even another level of question would we feel more happiness if we felt safe, trusted each other? How often do I express happiness, joy, in my day, how do I express happiness?

Saturday 14 February 2015

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: YOUR HEART LOVES IT WHEN.........

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: YOUR HEART LOVES IT WHEN.........: YOUR HEART LOVES IT WHEN.......... Your heart loves it when you LOVE and CARE DEEPLY for yourself, self-love. Your heart loves it when yo...


YOUR HEART LOVES IT WHEN.......... Your heart loves it when you LOVE and CARE DEEPLY for yourself, self-love. Your heart loves it when you take a DEEP BREATH in and SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWLY release it, often. Your heart loves it when you SMILE OFTEN. Your heart loves it when you DANCE, DANCE, DANCE. Your heart loves it when you give and receive HUGS. Your heart loves it when you eat LOCAL, HEALTHY, MODERATE amounts of food. Your heart loves it when you walk in NATURE. Your heart loves it when you get 8 HOURS of QUALITY SLEEP. Your heart loves it when you spend time being FULLY PRESENT with those you love and care about. Your heart loves it when you practice GRATITUDE everyday. Your heart loves it when you practice, practice, practice COMPASSION until it becomes a habit. Your heart loves it when you practice FORGIVENESS of yourself and others. Your heart loves it when you say “I LOVE YOU” to others and to hear from others “I LOVE YOU”. YOUR HEART LOVES, LET IT FLOW FREELY LIKE THE SUN SHINES FREELY ON ALL My heart loves you, mary

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution:            ...

Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution: Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution:            ...: Mary M. Purdy Compassionate Evolution:                                                  ... :                                           ...