Thursday 9 October 2014

                                              Heartfelt Hug for Everyone

Now the practice of loving-kindness can get challenging, because you are bringing to mind people who you may not like, who have hurt you in some way, said something to you that was not nice, for example. As you practice with your child you can share a situation with them and model your loving-kindness practice with them, and then your child can do the practice for their situation.

Closing your eyes, bring that person into your imagination, bring that  person into your mind, and move into the tenderness of your own heart, start to feel the loving-kindness you have for someone you love and care for, someone who loves and cares for you. Feeling that kindness place your hands on your heart and say

'Just like me, you (name if you wish) want to be happy"
"Just like me, you (name) want to feel safe"
"Just like me you (name) want to feel joy"

repeat 2 more times, move your hand out as an expression of sending this care to that person.

take 2 more deep breaths open your eyes.

The more you practice this loving-kindness for your self, your loved ones and those you struggle with, the more kindness you cultivate. The happier you will be and this happiness ripples out to others.

Children learn from you your acceptance of others and that we all are more the same then different. This does not mean you don't stand up for yourself, have healthy boundaries, it means you recognize we are all one human family and in order for us to inhabit this world in a peaceful way, we need to cultivate kindness, understanding, and compassion.

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